Why take Origin vs Essentials, our pure plant-based protein?

When we are evaluating our protein needs to suit our lifestyle and dietary considerations, we can find a wide variety of choices with an additional wide variety of ingredients. So how do we choose? What is the right formula for us?

Nature Zen simplifies the process of choosing by offering two formulas that are clean sources of organic vegan pure protein and vital nutrients. You can be sure either one will support your targeted needs, whether you are an athlete seeking to build and maintain muscle or a person seeking to offer yourself and your family a quality source of pure protein that is delicious, nutritious and perfect for a busy schedule.

Read on to discover the unique attributes of the Origin and Essentials formulas!


1. Origin range: A pure protein with a fabulous concentration level
Easy absorption and digestion makes the difference

The Origin line is for people who are primarily looking for a high quality pure protein intake, which it provides through its high concentration (90%). The Origin range is ideal for increasing daily protein intake with ease. It is also perfect for athletes who need to repair and maintain their muscle mass. A shake or a smoothie after the effort makes it possible to fill up with essential amino acids.

This easily absorbed formula is made with 90% concentrated rice protein. Due to its high pure protein concentration (very few other ingredients), it’s ideal for all who are seeking a quality and efficient plant-based protein. The simplicity of ingredients helps people with digestive problems… Easy to digest and increased absorption of nutrients. You can have peace of mind knowing there are no added sugars, only stevia (not in Nature flavor); no added flavors (real cocoa, real vanilla bean). This highly efficient pure protein source is ideal in smoothies for example.


2. Essentials range: The perfect complement to pure protein and vitamins and minerals

Superfood for a super life.

The Essentials range, we love it for its pure protein intake, but also its fruits, vegetables and other superfoods that provide a multitude of vitamins and minerals and make it a solid health drink for the mornings for example, whether it is a shake before going to our activities, or even in a smoothie for children or it can even be added to your favorite yogurt or morning granola ! It also offers a complete amino acid profile. It is very creamy, perfect to complete our daily protein intake. An easy to use protein, with delicious flavors to accompany us at different times of the day.

You’ll find a complete amino acid profile (thanks to the combination of pea, flax and rice protein) in our Essentials line. With a variety of vitamins and minerals, this smooth, delicious formula will satisfy your taste buds as well as your body’s nutritional needs. Low in sugars (naturally sweetened with banana), our Essentials line is pure protein goodness.

With a wide choice of flavors, you can choose your favorites or experiment with new flavors… Whatever you choose, you can count on pure protein flavors and organic nourishment. Essentials line is good in smoothies, recipes, and also in water (or plant-based milk) for those “on the go” moments.

As our lives become busier and the world demands speed and concentration frequently to keep up, it’s nice to know that you can simplify your day by integrating a quality plant-based pure protein into your daily schedule. Nourishing ourselves and our families well can be challenging and our meals need to adapt to our ever changing dynamics.

A meal doesn’t have to be complicated to be good and nourishing. Nature Zen truly understands this and our expert research team and nutrition experts have done the work for you so you can simplify your life… Feel better and live better… With increased vitality and energy to last through your day. Whether it’s Origin or Essentials that you choose (or both :), you can be assured you are receiving quality nourishment and support for a healthy lifestyle.

What will you choose?